1. To study, cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and also handicrafts,
drama, theatre, jatra, dancing, drawing, dance-drama, film, recreation, mime
etc. for public education.
2. To support and promote cultural activities through the universally appreciated medium of folk art, music, theatre, film, painting and literature.
3. To preserve propagate and perpetuate the performing arts, music, dance and
4. To organize seminars and festivals national and international for the
understanding and dissemination of Indian Music in India and abroad.
5. To promote and encourage advancement of international understanding, literary, cultural education and goodwill and peace through the spirit of co-operation.
6. To promote unity, harmony and self-discipline among the members as well as the local people through the bonds of friendship.
7. To open, establish training centers, research centers etc. for music, drama, dance, mime, theatre, dance-drama, recitation, drawing and design, painting, handicrafts and also documentation of different streams, and to maintain and improve them.
8. To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage children’s schools, park, play-ground, stage, libraries, museum and art gallery.
9. To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussion, seminars and excursions for the diffusion of knowledge.
10. To publish of cause to be published useful literatures, papers, magazines, books etc and to distribute them.
11. To help the needy students of all communities for the prosecution of studies.
12. To collect and preserve manuscripts, painting, sculptures, works and art,
antiquities, natural history, specimens, mechanical and scientific instruments
and designs for documentation.
13. To help the aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons through sales of different handicrafts items.
14. To help the members and the local people in their physical culture through
sports, games, traveling, trekking, climbing, swimming, boating etc.
15. To engage and assist in such other Philanthropic activities as may be deemed appropriate by the Governing Body of the Society.
16. To collect donation and subscriptions for the purpose of the Society.
17. To help to promote cottage and home industries.
18. To establish and maintain basic and adult education Centre, Nursery School, Early Child Education Centers.
19. To encourage the use of Scientific and technological advancement while
conserving the balance on the natural environment for the good of the people.
20. To accept any bequest gift, donation etc. for rising fund of the society.
21. To open and maintain charitable dispensaries, maternity home, children clinic, orphanage, family planning centre, short stay home, day care center, destitute home etc.
22. To render relief to the suffering in time of famine, flood, drought, earthquake and other natural calamities.
23. To promote Art and the Artists.
24. To preserve folk and tribal art and culture and to promote them.
25. To promote national and foreign art through cultural ex change, Exhibition, Competition, Conference, Workshop etc.
26. To write the history, collect specimens; make research on arts which are lying in the remote areas of the country.
27. To spread the art in the all sphere of the life, to raise the standard of living and taste and mass education through audio visual medium
28. Training Courses will be introduced for photography, Video Photography, Computer, Painting and Printing, Feature Films, Handicrafts Work, Mime,
Dance, Musical Instruments, Songs & Music, Languages, English Medium School and to produce documentary evidences.
29. To organize fairs etc. for promotion and revitalization of the decaying culture of the tribal life.
30. Opening Art academy, teaching held examination and giving certificate.
31. To construct, maintain, improve, develop and alter and buildings, houses or other works necessary or convenient for the purpose of society.
32. To do all such other things as are incidental and conductive to the attainments of the above objects or any one of them.
33. The income and properties of the Society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid to or divide amongst any of its members by way of profits.
34. To collect fund or receive loan or grant-in-aid or gifts or donation of all kinds like money or property both movable or immovable from different Government,Government Agencies or Undertakings or Non-Government Organization in India or Abroad for the interest of the Society.
35. To plan implement and supervise development program for the enlistment of Rural, Semi-Urban, Urban economy.
36.To arrange functions, exhibition, fair, mela etc. for the progress of arts, literature, science, culture, handicrafts etc. in the Rural, Semi-Urban, Urban
37. To provide necessary training in handicrafts mainly to the ladies and thus help them in their self employment venture.
38. To study cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and dancing.
39. To revive and restore ancient culture.
40. To maintain libraries and reading rooms.
41. To organize physical, culture, indoor and outdoor game.
42. To organize training and similar activities for the upliftment of Rural, Semi-Urban, Urban economy.
43. To co-operate with the Government or Non-Government Organization for any development activity for the area.
44. To arrange for development and improvement of medical activities and facilities to the rural poor by providing medical support to sick, helpless, handicapped people and establish charitable dispensary, maternity home, children’s clinic, orphanage, family planning centre, short stay home, day care distribution home, General Health Centre etc. with the help of qualified Doctors and without profit motive.
45. To help, grow co-operation with individuals or associations or clubs or any other organization to establish and to progress or maintain any or all the objects of this association.
46. To develop Handicrafts for the upgrading economy of the un-employed youth of both sexes, handicapped, orphans and categories of people e.g. knitting, tailoring etc. and to organize training programs for such development programs.
47. Training course will be introduced for Photography, Video Photography, Computer, Painting, Printing, Features, Films, Editing, Interior Design and Applied Arts, Handicraft work, Mime, Dance, Musical Instruments, Songs and Music, Languages, English Medium School, Recitation, Jotish, Boutiques, Fabrics etc. and giving certificate.